lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Our Lady of Borg in Nadur

Quería escribir acerca de las "festividades" de Halloween peor en lugar de ello prefiero dejárselo a quien mejor que yo puede describirlo.
Estos mensajes son dados directamente por Nuestra Señora María Madre a una persona en Malta (Apariciones de Borg en Nadur).
Para aquellos que no son católicos, para aquellos que tienen otras creencias religiosas o que no creen en nada, y que esto puede no significar nada, solo tengo que decir que asumir estas "tonterías consumistas" tampoco nos trae nada bueno o nuevo. Los invito (además de indagar más en este asunto de Our Lady of Borg in Nadur y leer un poco más sobre las múltiples apariciones y advertencias de Nuestra Señora Madre, en lugares como Lourdes, Fátima, Garabandal, Medjugorje y Borg in Nadur) a pensar por qué asumir tradiciones de las cuales no tenemos noción, conocimiento, origen, tradición y que además no llevan a actos de tendencia oscura.

(P 69) Message of 31st October 2007 at Borg in-Nadur
I am going to speak and you are to tell Fr Hayden to pass what I say on to the people. Thank you for those who are present here today. I wish that next Saturday you would gather here at 6.00 p.m., to say the rosary. I wish those present to come and to bring along many others with them and to bring another candle with them. Fr Hayden, I wish you to give them explanations on hell. Explain to them that the devil is managing to fool many who also are oblivious of it. Many youths will be having a Halloween party tonight. They have no idea what this means. It began with the Irish, the English and the Scottish who introduced it into America. It is being introduced into all countries. The Church did well and was wise to have a commemoration for souls the next day. Fr Hayden, explain to the people that evil spirits will be there with these youths who imagine that it is but a party. I thank you for this Fr Hayden.

(P296) Message of 27th October 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur 
For example, some time back we spoke about Halloween.  I had conveyed the message by means of Angelik.  Rather than decrease, the amount of parties, discos, costumes and television advertisements actually increased. Who of you is capable of advertising that such things are wrong, just as the others give them publicity?  Yes, my children, do not fear to tell the truth.  Do not idle and waste time.  Do not allow the devil to have his way with you and feast over your youths.  Indeed, my children, why not?  Advertise that such things are of Satan.  Do not fear the truth.  I ask you, my children, do not allow your own children to celebrate these stupidities that are causing so much harm and that are pleasing and satisfying Satan.

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